The Best Time To Move For You (and your Wallet)
Moving on a budget? Learn when is the best time to move house and some tips on how to save some dollars!
There’s nothing better than spending your hard-earned money wisely. Maybe you wouldn’t go as far as to call yourself a cheapskate yet you probably have a tip or two on how to save some money. You might buy in bulk, choose white label products or you might look for the cheapest price to get home on both LYFT and UBER at the same time.
However, when it comes to services you seldom use, you may not be such a connoisseur. Fear not, my friend! For here we are to give you the best advice on what’s the best time to move house. So, if you want to find out when it’s the best time of the year to move, grab a cup of good ol’ Joe and read on!
When is the cheapest time to move?
We’re sure you’re eager to know when you should schedule your move in order to pay as little as you can. Nonetheless, as with most questions in life, the answer is not straight. In order to evaluate what’s the best time to move into an apartment or house, we must take a look at each day, month, and season. Therefore, let’s go right in.
As almost no landlord will prorate your lease if you leave before it ends, no one schedules their move mid-month. This leads to moving companies having an empty agenda during the second and third week of the month. Supposing that you could pack your stuff and get to your new home whenever you want, do so on those weeks.
Everyone wants to stay indoors cuddling on their comfy couch during winter, which is the reason why moving companies’ schedules are full in spring or summer. So, if you’re on a short budget, the best season to move is either fall or winter.
Day of the week
As you might well have guessed, most people will often opt for moving on Friday or a Saturday, so as to spend the minimum days off work. Whatsmore, hiring people to work on the weekend costs more.
Therefore, the best day to move is a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Best Season To Move (It all depends)

Though we have already talked about moving during summertime or in the fall, there are some other issues we should factor in. Each season will have both its benefits and liabilities when it comes to performing a move. So, let’s check out some of their pros and cons.
Moving In Fall
Pros: The cost is usually lower than in summer or spring. Demand tends to be low, which translates into plenty of possible moving dates.
Cons: It’s the beginning of the school year in the US, so it can be a bit of a hassle if you have kids.
Moving In Winter
Pros: In most states, this is the cheapest time of the year to move. If you have children who go to school, you can take advantage of the winter holidays so they don’t miss their classes.
Cons: You run the risk of facing heavy snow and closed roads which may require rescheduling your move.
Moving In Spring
Pros: The temperature in this season is mostly mild. Parents and college students can make good use of the spring break.
Cons: Apart from being costlier than in winter or fall, spring is the season with most rains, which hardens the process.
Moving In Summer
Pros: You can arrange the move around your holidays to have a good deal of time to unpack your stuff and get used to your new home.
Cons: In some states the high heat during summertime might be suffocating. Most people will want to move in summer. For this reason, moving companies’ agendas are usually packed.
Best time to move across country
“Look after the pennies and the dollars will look after themselves” or so they like to say. However, deciding what’s the best moment to set up a move to save the utmost in money isn’t as simple as it may have seemed. This is especially true if you’re looking for the best time to move to another state.
To add some complexity to the matter, each state and city’s climate and characteristics are different. So, let’s take a look at when is the best time to move across the country.
The best time to move to Florida is usually in spring or fall, with temperatures that range between 70° and 90°. Summer heat and humidity can make lifting and unpacking your things incredibly difficult.
Los Angeles
When it comes to LA, either April or March should be your goal. However, be careful with spring break as it’s the absolute worst time to move into the city.
The Big Apple is one of the hardest places to move into as traffic is present at all hours. Nonetheless, the best time to move to NYC is during weekends. Though you might need to pay for a premium, if you’re paying movers hourly, it might balance out in the end.
Texan winters are bitter and summers can reach hell-like temperatures, thus the best time to move into an apartment or house is either in September or October.
California gurls are unforgettable and so is their educational system for many. Therefore, you should avoid moving during the schools and colleges’ admission sessions as families and students from all over the country will flock into the state.
Moving in winter is especially troublesome in Colorado as you won’t only be dealing with snow and cold temperatures but tens of thousands of tourists. This means more traffic and long lines in gas stations both inside and on the way to the state. The best time to move to Colorado will be spring or late fall.
The average temperature in the Arizonan summer is 102°, which makes moving during winter a no-brainer.
Due to its location, winters are quite harsh, so you better schedule your move for late spring, summer or early fall.
As it happens with Montana, the best time to move to a new apartment or house in Vermont is during the warmest months.
In order to avoid the rainy season the best time to move to Oregon is spring.
Summer heat is really intense in Utah, reaching up to 100°. Moreover, most of the state’s inhabitants go to church on Sunday. This leads to many stores being closed on those days. With all of this in mind, we suggest moving during weekdays in the fall or winter.
Tennessee is one of the wettest states in the country. Taking into account how complicated it is to move cardboard boxes in the middle of a rainfall, you better set your move up around October, the driest month.
Moving companies have a lower demand during the colder months, so moving in winter is cheaper than any other time.
Moving prices are the lowest between mid-September through April.
North Carolina
The moving industry in North Carolina is at lowest capacity in the months of March and April.
Best Day To Move – Key Things To Consider

In order to organize your move, there are some key factors you should take into account. Let’s dig deep into them!
If you have an average 9 to 5 job, missing some working days to move is not always a possibility. For this reason, you might want to schedule your move on a Friday or Saturday.
However, if you’re a freelancer, the less expensive option will always be on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Volunteers (Friends Or Family)
Transport is only a fraction of a move’s cost, the second largest expense is the mover’s pay. This is why you should evaluate what’s best for you, moving yourself or hiring movers.
However, if you are on a budget you should look for friends or relatives who can help you lift those boxes.
Most parents won’t move houses during the school year. Same goes for college students. So, if you don’t fall in either category, save a date whilst everyone is still in the classroom.
Your Rental Lease Agreement
There is a small and select group of renters out there who can end their contract at any time of the month and get some money back. If you are one of those lucky ones, move mid-month.
Holidays & Events
Holidays and special events are a big no-no. Not only will moving companies charge you extra, but you’ll also face nerve-racking traffic.
When is peak moving season?
It depends on the state. For most it’s summer but in the hottest ones, such as Arizona or New Mexico, it’s wintertime.
What is the cheapest month to move?
In most states, the cheapest month is either September or October, due to the beginning of the school year.
What’s the worst time of year to move?
This depends on the state’s weather. In northern states, the worst time is usually in winter, whilst in southern states it’s the other way around.
What month is most popular for moving?
The most popular month for moving is July, due to summer holidays from work, schools and colleges.
Is moving more expensive in the summer?
For the most part yes because of the higher demand in this season.
Is moving in the winter cheaper?
In most cases you’d be able to cut a better deal with moving companies during winter. However, in the coldest statesyou might face blizzards and closed roads which would require rescheduling several times.
What day is cheapest to hire movers?
The cheapest days are Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.